Bubbling Pitch


HOME, Manchester

Curator | exhibition

Images by Lee Baxter


In rejection of conventional attitudes towards art, MSR FCJ (Mike S Redmond & Faye Coral Johnson) consciously push experimental ideas of making in order to discover new and surprising processes and outcomes. With a desire to challenge themselves, they adopt a mischievous, spontaneous approach. 

Taking root during a residency at Hospitalfield House in Arbroath, Scotland, Bubbling Pitch surfaces as a series of transitional drawings, paintings and a limited edition book. With a disregard for accurate representation, the artists instead pursue an intuitive, eccentric response to their time spent wandering the hallways of a dead person’s dark, dream castle. 

Through a constant merging of two minds, their work becomes difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins. Flaws and mistakes are encouraged, marks and scratches are treasured and forms and perspectives are distorted to create completely unique works of art.

Based in Manchester, they are seasoned self-publishers and have been published by Nieves (Zurich), The Idler (London), Good Press (Glasgow), Café Royal Books (Southport), Frederic Magazine (Paris), FP CF Editions (Paris) and many more. They have exhibited throughout the UK, US, France, Belgium and Denmark and have been awarded artist residencies in the UK, France and Switzerland.



Joy Yamusangie


David Bethell