Rachel Maclean
Wot u :-) about?


HOME, Manchester

Curator | exhibition, with Sarah Perks
Producer & Assistant Director | It’s What’s Inside That Counts
Writer | alongside Rachel Maclean, William Davies, Melissa Gronlund & Sarah Perks of the accompanying book

It’s What’s Inside That Counts (2016) is commissioned in partnership with HOME, University of Salford Art Collection, Artpace, Zabludowicz Collection, Tate, Frieze Film and Channel 4 Random Acts.

Book supported by Hayward Publishing and Cornerhouse Publications

All copyright Rachel Maclean


Wot u :-) about? was a major solo exhibition of entirely new work by acclaimed Scottish artist Rachel Maclean, who represented Scotland at the 2017 Venice Biennale.

Maclean uses the fairytale genre to examine the murky boundary between childhood and adulthood. She explores ideas of  happiness and childhood as qualities that can be packaged and sold resulting in dark and unsettling adventures located in a netherland reminiscent of the supersaturated, candy-coloured palette of children’s television.

Centred on a linked body of new work, Wot u :-) about? includes a large format print series, We Want Data! (2016), developed during a residency at Artpace, San Antonio, plus a new film commission for HOME, It’s What’s Inside That Counts (2016). These premiered alongside larger-than-life figurative sculptures directly relating to and overlapping with the props, costumes and aesthetic within the films.

Resembling hybrids of bored commuters, cutesy kids’ TV monsters and sickeningly engorged biological organs, the sculptural figures also function as inanimate viewers for a series of infographic videos, displaying spreadsheets, bar graphs and market research surveys to their unblinking users. 

Playing on ideas about the cult of youth and the exaggerated enthusiasm of happiness marketing, they take the form of part playground-equipment, part grotesque and bloated mannequins, which upon closer inspection are being eaten alive by swarms of razor-toothed dolls.

HOME also released the first major publication of Rachel Maclean’s sweeter-than-candy adventures, featuring comprehensive imagery, stills and drawings from her dark, self-generated fairytale landscapes.



John Walter


NOW: Female Chinese Contemporary Artists